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Silver Sakaki

Child of Giovanni. Alternate Timeline.
General rules/info here.

Note: If you're blocked, it's likely nothing personal. I often block characters that bring up bad memories, and I block for other mental health related reasons.


Silver currently works as an intern at the Pewter City Library. They have plans to go into library sciences. They live in Olivine City.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-reading-books-in-library-3779187/

Official Art


Silver has a good number of pokemon, having started as a trainer earlier in life than most. They carry more than six on them at a time due to not trusting the PC system, but will only use a max of six per battle unless it's a matter of life and death.


Silver's past is complex and within is as basic a synopsis as I can manage without having to make a wiki page. Suffice to say that being on poketwitter from the age of seven has had a massive effect on their life and resulted in their severely diverged timeline.

My own art Circa 2011


As of early 2022, Silver is 18 years old and working an extended internship at Pewter City. Their current plan is to go into library sciences, though they have not specified what they plan to specialise in. One might get the feeling they are seeking higher education not for getting a better job, but for their own enrichment.While they are working as an intern, the majority of their funds come from pokemon battles, having become quite skilled over the years and learning how to find people with more money than battle prowess.Some time in the late 2010's they started a Mewtube channel where they discuss books in depth, not merely reviewing them but talking about the themes and other such minutiae. They have a small but loyal following they are utterly unaware of as they do not read the comments and leave comment moderation up to their Writing Forum friends. As of 2021 they have a semi-professional setup and are finally learning proper video editing, much to the relief of everyone's ears and eyes.They are a hobby marble racer. In fact, they have a lot of niche hobbies they talk about once in a blue moon.They currently live in Olivine City in a house belonging to their friend, @AurumMeddle.
Up until about August 2022 they lived with their father in Viridian.
Due to realising that pokemon being on twitter means there's a non-zero chance of eating someone they consider a person, Silver is a vegetarian who tries to source their dairy as ethically as possible. They are aware of the irony of having lived with their incredibly unethical father while insisting on ethically sourced food. They know, okay!


Silver's pokemon, in order of acquisition are:Kanga - Kangaskhan
Given to Silver by Warden Baboa during Halloween of 2011. She is quite old now, and doesn't battle.
Shuu - Unfeazant
Traded to Silver by a girl named Zoey in exchange for a Ratata he stole from a grunt in 2012. It is intense, intelligent, and brutal.
Pups - Stoutland
I honestly forgot how they got Pups, it's been so long. At any rate, pups thinks it's a lap dog even now, and is full of vim and vigour.
Nino - Nidorino
A gift from their father. Nino is decidedly in his teenage years, and postures a great deal. He is very Tsun about pets from Silver.
Phobos - Ursaring
Captured as a Teddiursa during their unofficial journey back in 2012, Phobos is a massive scammer and WILL steal the honey out of the cabinets if you don't lock it tight.
Andromeda - Sneasel
Bred from @SalveAlRe's(twitter) weavile Frisk. Andromeda was given to Silver as an egg and to this day remains one of their closest pokemon. Andromeda is the quintessential cat.
Calcifer - Chandelure
Caught during their time on a Journey in Unova. Shiny. Much like Andromeda, Calcifer is a trickster. She can be very intense.
Snowglobes - Feraligatr
Presented as an egg as a gift from @SalveAlRe(twitter), Silver has cared for Snowglobes from an early age. Much to Silver's dismay, the pokemon would not abide by the semi-pretentious name it was given and instead latched on to @RExecPetrel(twitter) saying "Snowglobes!" over and over. Honestly a fairly chill pokemon.
(Alf)wynne - Mimikyu
Gifted to them by @AurumMeddle. Wynne is a pokemon that needs a lot of love and care. Secretly terrorizes Silver's coworkers.
Scarlet - Salazzle
Caught during Silver's time in Unova. She is a very violent pokemon, enjoying battle perhaps a little too much. She's slowly gotten used to modern technology, but sometimes she just goes apeshit on something or another.
Calanthe - Fomantis
Purposefully kept as a Fomantis, he is a pretty chill pokemon. He enjoys sitting in Silver's lap, and is honestly just as spoiled as most of the rest of Silver's pokemon.
Beryl - Gardevoir
Commissioned from @Trainer_Hibiki(twitter) to have as many egg moves as possible. Silver's time in the Sushi Roller and taking advantage of rich tourists paid off, as Beryl has a moveset that is absolutely not game-legal.
Erasmus - Togedemaru
Bred by @BreederGold(twitter). Silver got him in mid-2020. While he is a battler, he's become something of a comfort to Silver. Erasmus is an easy-going pokemon that enjoys the beach.
Saorlaith - Tinkatink
Secretly caught by @SilverTrainer and given to Silver via Goldie (@AurumMeddle), Laith is a chaotic little creature who Silver takes great amusement at. They don't talk much about her yet, as they're trying to make her less likely to randomly smack people with her rattle.
Nemo - Slowpoke
Nemo was caught during Silver's unofficial Johto Journey. He's not a battler, and is in fact a pet. Silver never mentions him on twitter, but he plays with him regularly.


Heaven Help Me. This is going to take a long time. I'm sorry but this is a work in progress.